ApoH-Technologies supplies the non-recombinant ApoH protein immobilized on plates or on magnetic beads. The purified ApoH protein is also available in solution. Our kits for bacteria or virus capture conveniently include ApoH-coated beads, specific capture buffers and associated protocols. All kit components are also available separately. Peps6 products contain an all-synthetic version of the ApoH protein.


ApoH-CaptoBAC kitBacterial capture kit based on ApoH

Peps6-CaptoVIR kitViral capture kit based on Peps6

Peps6-CaptoBAC kitBacterial capture kit based on Peps6

ApoH-CaptoVIR kitViral capture kit based on ApoH


ApoH proteinPurified human Apolipoprotein H

Magnetic beads

ApoH magnetic beadsApoH coated on magnetic nanobeads

Peps6 magnetic beadsPeps6 coated on magnetic nanobeads


Additive FS 100XAdditive for viral capture in blood sample

Buffer TT 20XBuffer for ELISA microplate

Buffer TTGB 10XBuffer for bacterial capture

Buffer TAS 20XBuffer for viral capture in blood sample

Buffer CV1Buffer for viral capture in other than blood sample

Buffer GV-2Additive for viral capture in oral fluids

ELISA plate

ApoH microplateApoH coated in a 96-well plate divided into 12 strips of 8 wells

You can profit from our experience by contacting our technical support to assist you free of charge in your first trials.

We also propose services to develop other ApoH-coated supports according to your needs: columns, chips...

Moreover, we can organize trainings in your laboratory or in ours to help you quickly obtain the best possible results. You may also mission us to concentrate the micro-organisms in your samples. We are open to further collaborations to implement our products in your detection workflow or in your particular settings. Product co-development is therefore an option.

Please contact us to specify your needs.