
Keynote "Strategies for Epidemics Containment" by Francisco Veas
From 6th to 8th, September 2022
12-12-2022As part of the "Microbiology virtual week", our CSO, Dr Francisco Veas, was interviewed on "The containment of epidemics" and the...

Training on Ultrasensitive Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in clinical samples. UVRI, Entebbe, Uganda.
10th and 11th, October 2022
01-12-2022As part of the implementation of the Pandora Project coordinated by the Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI), the investigators of this project...

Training on SARS-Cov2 viral capture by ApoH. Congolese Foundation for Medical Research. Brazzaville, Congo.
Septembrer 20th, 2020
01-12-2022As part of the implementation of the ITAIL-COVID-19 Project funded by the Europe-Developing Countries Partnership for Clinical Trials (EDCTP)...

ApoH-Technologies at the CBD S&T 2019 Conference. Cincinnati, Ohio USA.
From 18th to 20th, Novemver 2019
05-11-2020ApoH-Technologies will be represented at the CBD S&T 2019 Conference at Cincinnati, Ohio (USA), by Dr. Francisco Veas, CSO of ApoH-Technologies....

ApoH-Technologies at the 8th International Conference on Emerging Zoonoses 2017. Manhattan, Kansas USA.
From 7th to 10th, may 2017
03-05-2017ApoH-Technologies will be represented at the 8th International Conference on Emerging Zoonoses 2017 at Manhattan, Kansas (USA), by Dr. Francisco...

ApoH-Technologies at ASM Microbe 2016 Conférence. Boston, USA
From 16th to 20th, june 2016
01-06-2016ApoH-Technologies will be represented at the ASM Microbe 2016 Conference at Boston (USA), by Christian Policard, associated director of Biotech...

ApoH-Technologiesat the 2016 BIO International Convention. San Francisco, USA.
From 6th to 9th, June 2016
03-06-2014ApoH-Technologies will be represented at the 2016 BIO International Convention at San Francisco (USA), by Emmanuel Charles, our business...
ApoH-Technologies at the 26th ECCMID conference. Amsterdam, Nederlands.
From 9th to 12th, April 2016
29-03-2016ApoH-Technologies will be represented at the 26th ECMMID conference at Amsterdam (Nederlands), by Christian Policard, associated director...
ApoH-Technologies at BioWales 2016 in Cardiff, UK
BioWales 2016, March 1st to March 2nd
23-02-2016ApoH-Technologies will be present at BioWales 2016 Life Science conference. Meet with Emmanuel CHARLES, our Business Developer.
Interactions between Apolipoprotein H and Hepatitis C Virus
New publication from ApoH-Technologies in PloS One
02-11-2015Interactions between Hepatitis C Virus and the Human Apolipoprotein H Acute Phase Protein: A Tool for a Sensitive Detection of the Virus. Stefas...
ApoH-Technologies at the international conference on "Mitigation strategies for emerging infectious diseases". Cali, Colombia.
From 14th to 16th, October 2015
09-10-2015ApoH-Technologies will be represented at the international conference "Mitigation strategies for emerging infectious diseases"...

ApoH-Technologies at the 9th Sample Prep Technologies conference. Bethesda, MD USA.
25-26th, June 2015
05-06-2015ApoH-Technologies was represented at the 9th Sample Prep Technologies conference at Bethesda (USA), by Francisco Veas, CSO of...

APOH-TECHNOLOGIES AT THE Gordon Research conference. Ventura, California, USA.
From 8th to 13th, March 2015
05-06-2015ApoH-Technologies was represented at the Gordon Research conference at Ventura (USA), by Francisco Veas, CSO of ApoH-Technologies. On the...

December 12th, 2014
18-12-2014The french Achievement Awards « Victoires de la Réussite » are organized by the Society for Employment Information « Société...
ApoH: A novel tool to support the response to the current Ebola outbreak?
ApoH enhances 100-fold the sensitivity of existing assays to detect Ebola virus particles
11-09-2014Contact between the biological fluids of Ebola virus (EBOV)-positive victims and healthy individuals continues the transmission chain of the...

ApoH-Technologiesat the 2014 BIO International Convention. San Diego, USA.
From 23th to 26th, June 2014
03-06-2014ApoH-Technologies will be represented at the 2014 BIO International Convention at San Diego (USA), by Christian Policard, associated director of...

ApoH-Technologies at the 22nd conference of Detection Technologies. Baltimore, USA.
From the 10th to the 11th, June 2014.
03-06-2014ApoH-Technologies will be present the 11th at the 22nd conference of Detection Technologies of Baltimore, USA. Francisco Veas (CSO) will present...

ApoH-Technologies at the 7th European Meeting on Viral Zoonoses (EVZ). St:Raphael, France.
From the 24th to the 28th, May 2014
05-05-2014ApoH-Technologies will be present the 28th at the 7th European Meeting on Viral Zoonoses (EVZ) of St Raphael, France. Francisco Veas (CSO) will...
Collaboration with Hutman Diagnostics
Ultra-sensitive detection of bacteria from blood sample
20-07-2013ApoH-Technologies and Hutman Diagnostics signed a joint license and research agreement for the development of a diagnostic kit for bacterial...
Synthetic ApoH has arrived
Add some Peps to your analyses!
01-07-2013ApoH-Technologies designed and developed new magnetic beads coated with a synthetic peptide corresponding to the active site of the ApoH protein:...

ApoH-Technologies at the 13th International Congress for Tropical Medicine and Malaria (ICTMM). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
From the 23rd to the 27th, September 2012
21-09-2012ApoH-Technologies will be present from the 23rd to the 27th, September 2012 at the 13th International Congress for Tropical Medicine and Malaria...

ApoH-Technologies at "Annual Meeting Conference AACC". Los Angeles, USA.
From the 15th to the 19th, July 2012
09-07-2012ApoH-Technologies will be present July 15th throught July 19th 2012 at the Annual Meeting Conference AACC (American Association for Clinical...

ApoH-Technologies at the 3rd Annual World Congress of virus and infection. Guangzhou, China.
From the 30th July to 1st August 2012
20-06-2012ApoH-Technologies will be present June 30th throught August 1st 2012 at the 3rd Annual World Congress of virus and infectionn of Guangzhou,...

ApoH-Technologies at "BIO International Convention". Boston, USA.
From the 18th to the 21th, June 2012
06-06-2012ApoH-Technologies will be present June 18th throught June 21th 2012 at the BIO International Convention, Boston. The company will be represented by...

AQMC at the french Valorial theme-based committee "Milk and by-products". Rennes, France.
14th may 2012
09-05-2012The french company AQMC (Analysis, Quality, Microbiology, Counsel) introduce its new rapid detection kit for Salmonella in raw milk. This kit...

Collaboration with AQMC for Salmolla detection
Salmonella spp Q-PCR test by AQMC.
09-05-2012The french company AQMC (Analysis, Quality, Microbiology, Counsel) uses the ApoH technology in its new rapid detection kit for Salmonella in raw...

ApoH-Technologies at the 18th International Conference: Technological Advances in Detection & Identification of Biological Threats. Washington, USA.
From 23rd to 24th june 2011
22-06-2011ApoH-Technologies will be present 23rd to 24th june 2012 at the 18th International Conference: Technological Advances in Detection &...

ApoH-Technologies at the French "Diagnostic Médical BIO-Connexion" Montpellier, France.
17th november 2010
16-11-2010Read more on "Diagnostic Médical BIO-Connexion" Montpellier, France.

ApoH-Technologies at the MEDICA convention. Düsseldorf, Germany.
From the 18th to the 20th, November 2010
02-09-2010ApoH-Technologies will be present November 18th throught Novembre 20th at the 2010 Düsseldorf MEDICA convention. The MEDICA convention...

ApoH-Technologies at the BIO-Europe conference. Munich, Germany.
From the 15th to the 17th, November 2010
02-09-2010ApoH-Technologies will be present November 15th through November 17th at the 2010 Munich conference BIO-Europe. BIO-Europe is Europe's...

Ultra-sensible detection of emerging pathogens (USDEP)
ApoH-Technologies member of the european USDEP project.
04-11-2010The remarkable contribution of ApoH-Technologies to the USDEP project has lead to a considerable improvement of pathogen detection in complex...

ApoH-Technologies at the Bio International convention. Chicago, USA.
From the 3rd to the 6th, May 2010
29-04-2010ApoH-Technologies will be present May 3rd through May 6th at the 2010 Chicago Bio International convention. The BIO convention will represent over...

ApoH-Technologies at the French " Pacte PME Diagnostic biologique" in Montpellier, France.
17th october 2007
16-10-2007Read more on "Pacte PME Diagnostic biologique" in Montpellier ...

ApoH-Technologies at the 3rd European Congress of Virology. Nuremberg, Germany.
From 1st to 5th september 2007
31-08-2007Enhanced detection of viruses through preanalytical concentration and purification with ApoH-coated magnetic beads. Read more on 3rd European...
ApoH-Technologies at the 7th International Conference on HFRS, HPS and Hantaviruses. Buenos-Aires, Argentina.
From 13rd to 15th june 2007
12-06-2007ApoH-capture technology enhances Andes Hantavirus detection allowing virus concentration from plasma and urine samples of patients with acute-HCPS.
ApoH-Technologies at the Chilean society of biochemistry and molecular biology
March 2007
28-02-2007ApoH-capture technology enhances Andes Hantavirus and Hepatitis C detection by allowing virus concentration from complex biological samples. Read...

ApoH-Technologies at the 8th International Meeting on Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics of Infectious Diseases. Bangkok, Thailand.
From 30th november to 2nd december 2006
29-11-2006ApoH-capture technology enhances Andes hantavirus detection allowing virus concentration from plasma and urine samples of patients with acute...

ApoH-Technologies at the 22th Clinical Virology Symposium and Annual Meeting of the Pan American Society for Clinical Virology, USA.
From the 30th April to 3rd May, 2006
29-04-2006Andes Hantavirus is shed in urine of patients with acute Hantavirus Cardiopulmonary Syndrome. Read more on PAN American society for clinical...

From the 15th to the 18th Mars 2006
14-03-2006Capture and enrichment of orthopox virus with ApoH coated magnetic beads for sensitive detection Read more on Jahrestagung des gesellschaft für...